Basic Game Currencies
This comprehensive guide will provide insights into the functions and applications of the diverse currencies in Epic Seven. Explore how each currency contributes to your gaming experience and strategic choices.

Gold is one of the most commonly used currency in the game. There are a lot of ways to earn this in-game currency.
How to Earn
- Mainly acquired from clearing stages, selling gear, and selling Penguins.
- The best place to farm gold is Hunts since you’ll get gear as well.
You’ll also get gold from Hall of Trials, Automaton Tower, stream rewards, Heart of Orbis, Abyss purification, …
Gold Usage
- Enhancing / Promotion : The requirement is to pay a specific amount of Gold before enhancing or promoting.
- Sanctuary Improvement : Sanctuary improvements requires Gold to finish.
- Equipment Change : Removing or changing your equipments.
- Secret Shop : You can buy various items at the Secret Shop. The only currency accepted here is Gold.
- Vagrant Merchant : You can find this merchant at every Labyrinth stage. This vendor charges Gold for every item you will buy.
- Pet Shop: Gold is used to buy Adoption Tickets.
- Guild Foundation : Founding a Guild also requires some Gold to complete.

Skystone is one of the main currencies in the game, and is also among the commonly used.
How to Earn
- Real Money – You can buy Skystone by paying for it using real money at the shop. Remember to spend your money responsibly.
- Achievement Rewards – There are certain rewards that give Skystone, whether on Adventurer’s Path, Reputation, Adventure Quest, and Abyss. Better check the reward always.
- Heart of Orbis – The Sanctuary produces Skystone daily. Make sure to visit the Sanctuary to get your Daily Skystone stash.
- You’ll also get skystones from NPC Arena, Hunts, Automaton Tower, …
Skystones Usage
- Normal Shop (Main Shop) – You can buy items like Covenant Bookmark, Energy and others using the Skystone.
- Equipment and Hero Inventory expansion – Expand the capacity of your inventory using the Skystone.
- Others – Skystone can be used on different shops. Certain events have bonus shops where you can buy items using Skystones.

Stigma is another common currency in the game, the same as Gold.
How to Earn
- Primarily obtained by completing stages in Adventure and Side Story using max-level units. Earning 45 exp from max-level units grants 1 stigma, and transmitting 2-star units yields 80 stigma each.
- Clearing stages in Hunt, Spirit Altar, Labyrinth, and Abyss purification provide a bit of stigma.
Stigma Usage
- Stigma is utilized for summoning penguins and phantasmas in the Forest of Souls. Additionally, it plays a role in skill enhancing base 3★ units.

Leif is very hard to come by in the game, and it cannot be obtained through the Sanctuary.
How to Earn
Acquired from Side Story, Web events, Stove events, stream rewards, and Question of the Week.
Leif Usage
Used for energy only during buff events. Avoid using it otherwise, and never for anything other than energy.
Summoning currencies
Covenant Bookmarks

Bookmarks are used to summon heroes.
How to Earn
Mainly from Secret Shop refreshing, Normal shop, Quest rewards, Reputations, Side Story, etc.
Covenant Bookmarks Usage
- Utilized for regular Covenant Summons and Drop Rate Up Summons. Covenant Summons lack a safety net, but there’s a slim chance for moonlight units and slightly increased 5★ rates. It is generally advisable to prioritize Drop Rate Up Summons for targeted unit acquisition and the presence of a pity system.
Story Collection

How to Earn
- Acquired from clearing Side Stories in the Side Story List
Story Collection Usage
Used to unlock Story Summon banners (1 banner per 4 collections)
Mystic Medals

This medal allows you to summon Heroes from Orbis and also Heroes from different universe.
How to Earn
Mainly acquired from Garo’s Secret Shop and Guild War.( 280,000 gold per 50 Mystic medals and around 271 skystones.)
You can also purchase 50 Mystic medals weekly from the Guild shop for 200 Commander’s Armbands (this is not recommended until you have all of the good Guild Artifacts.) Don’t take Mystics from the Arena Weekly Reward.
Mystic Medals Usage
- Used for Mystic Summons. This is where new Moonlight units are first released. You have a choice between a 5★ pity of 201 summons or a 4★ pity of 111 summons. This is the only way to pity a Light/Dark hero. Moonlight units rotate every 3 weeks. There are also other units and artifacts in the summoning pool, rotating weekly.
Galaxy Bookmarks

This bookmark is used to summon moonlight heroes.
How to Earn
- Acquired from the Transmit Stone shop at a rate of 6 Gold Transmit stones per 5 Galaxy bookmarks. Also drops infrequently from bosses in Normal and Hell Difficulty Raid.
Galaxy Bookmarks Usage
Used for Moonlight Summons. This banner only drops Light and Dark units. Every 20 summons you will get one free summon that only drops 4-5★ units.
Friendship Bookmarks

Can summon fodder monsters and fodder artifacts.
How to Earn
Acquired from the Friendship Points shop at a rate of 50 Friendship Points for 5 bookmarks and 500 Friendship Points for 50 bookmarks. Not worth purchasing from Garo’s Secret shop or Huche’s Shop.
Friendship Bookmarks Usage
- Used for Friendship Summons. This provides 2★ monsters and 1-2★ artifacts. Good source of stigma and a bit of artifact exp.
4-5★ Elemental Bookmarks (Fire, Ice, Earth)

Used for Element Summon.
How to Earn
Fire, Ice, and Earth bookmarks can be acquired from World Boss and Ancient Inheritance.
You can also purchase them in the Guild Member Shop (not recommended.)
4-5★ Elemental Bookmarks (Fire, Ice, Earth) Usage
Used for Element Summon (One summon per 5 bookmarks.)
3-5★ Elemental Bookmarks

Used for Element Summon.
How to Earn
- Fire, Ice, and Earth bookmarks can be acquired from World Boss, Guild Weekly missions, and Ancient Inheritance.
- Light and Dark bookmarks can be acquired from Advent Side Story when it comes around.
3-5★ Elemental Bookmarks (Fire, Ice, Earth) Usage
Used for Element Summon
Pet Adoption Ticket

Adoption ticket to obtain a Pet.
How to Earn
1 free summon daily.
Acquired from World Boss.
Can also be purchased using Gold or Skystones (not recommended, but if you really want one, use gold.)
Pet Adoption Ticket Usage
- Used to adopt pets.
Shop currencies
Skin Ticket

Skin Ticket can be exchanged for Hero Skins from the Shop.
How to Earn
- Can be acquired by purchasing Skin Packs or the Epic Pass.
Skin Ticket Usage
- Can be exchanged for Hero Skins.
Silver Transmit Stone

The Transmit Stone is one of the rare items that is really hard to come by.
How to Earn
- Earned by transmitting a 3★ grade hero and above. (3★ units and Epic Penguins give 1 silver transmit, 4★ units give 10 silver transmits.)
Silver Transmit Stones will also show up in various places as rewards such as Adventure, Side story, Abyss Floor or Automaton Tower.
Silver Transmit Stone Usage
- Buy different special items such as: MolaGora, Giga-Phantasma, Ego Fragment and others.
Gold Transmit Stone

The Transmit Stone is one of the rare items that is really hard to come by.
How to Earn
- Acquired from using Covenant bookmarks, weekly Reputation, Guild Weekly Missions, Automaton Tower, Expedition, and Guild Member Shop.
Gold Transmit Stone Usage
- Used to purchase Galaxy bookmarks at a rate of 6 Gold Transmit Stones per 5 Galaxy bookmarks as well as imprints for certain ML 5★s in the Transmit Stone Shop.
Powder of Knowledge

Powder containing mysterious power and transmitting the hidden knowledge within them.
How to Earn
- Selling Artifacts
(5★ Artifact = 30 Powder | 4★ Artifact = 8 Powder | 3★ Artifact = 1 Powder) - Hunt Area (but the drop rate for it is too low.)
Powder of Knowledge Usage
- Shop (Powder of Knowledge) : Can buy Bottle of Knowledge, Artifact Charms, and different Artifacts.
Friendship Points

Friendship Points are given when you use a support unit in battle.
How to Earn
Acquired by using supporters in Adventure and Sidestory. (Friends give 10 while randoms give 5.)
Friendship Points Usage
Used to purchase daily Energy, Arena Flags or Friendship Bookmarks.
Ancient Coins

Found when exploring the Labyrinth. Can be traded for special items.
How to Earn
- Acquired by clearing stages in Labyrinth and from Dispatch Missions.
Ancient Coins Usage
Shop (Ancient Coin) : Buy various items such as Malicious Bug Charm, accessory chest, and charms.
Conquest Points

A symbol of strength. Can be used to buy special items.
How to Earn
- Conquest Points : Earn this by participating at the Arena. You can also receive this reward through every battle you complete.
Conquest Points Usage
- Used to purchase Weapon, Helmet, Armor, and Boot charms. Also used to purchase the Unknown Slate and Arena gear.
Glory Crest

Crest reward for skilled gladiatos. Used to trade for items that will honor their glory.
How to Earn
- Arena (Weekly Rank Reward) : Give to you every week based on the Rank of you Arena
Glory Crest Usage
Arena shop items: Used to purchase Unknown Slate, Arena gear, and Arena season frame.
Covenant Coin

A commemorative coin created by the powers of destiny when you encounter Heroes you have already formed connections with.
How to Earn
- Receive when you get 7 duplicates of 5★ starting grade Fire, Ice, Earth elemental heroes.
Covenant Coin Usage
Covenant Coin section of the Shop: Used to purchase RGB 5★s, gear, Molagora and Epic Equipment Charms.
Galaxy Coin

A rare coin created by the powers of destiny when you encounter special Heroes from other worlds multiple times.
How to Earn
- Receive when you get 2 duplicates of 5★ starting grade Light, Dark elemental heroes
Galaxy Coin Usage
- Galaxy Coin section of the Shop: Used to purchase ML 5★s and gear, Molagora, Reforge Material Selection Box, and Epic Artifact Charms.
Brave Crest

Guild currency used to buy some items at the Guild Shop.
How to Earn
Obtained by participating in guild activities: Check-in, Weekly missions, World Boss, Aid, donating Gold.
Brave Crest Usage
- Guild (Member Shop): Used to purchase Molagora, Equipment Conversion Gem Chest, Artifact charms, Catalyst Chest.
Proof of Courage

A token given after completing an urgent misison. Can be donated to you Guild.
How to Earn
- Acquired by clearing urgents missions.
Proof of Courage Usage
- Guild (Aid) : Use this currency to donate at the Guild and gain a Commander’s Armband as a erward.
Commander’s Armband

Given to you every time you donate a Proof of Courage to the guild.
How to Earn
- Acquired by participating in guild activities: Guild War, Weekly Mission, donating Proof of Courage, and World Boss.
Proof of Courage Usage
- Used to purchase Guild Artifacts. You can also purchase the Equipment Gem Conversion Box and Mystic Medals.
Wisdom’s Gaze

Curency rerward that is earned after completing the Hall of Trials.
How to Earn
- Hall of Trials: You can obtain Wisdom’s Gaze by completing a boss stage
- You also get a decent amount from the Hunt Expert Challenge missions.
Wisdom’s Gaze Usage
Hall of Trials – Exchange Shop: Used to purchase Exclusive Equipment and some artifacts.
Queen's Guard Badge

Currency that is obtained when defeating a boss in a Raid – Hell Difficulty.
How to Earn
Acquired by killing bosses in Normal and Nightmare Mode Azmakalis of Cycle. (Bosses in Normal Mode drop 2 each, Queen in Nightmare Mode drops 5, the other four bosses drop 3)
Queen's Guard Badge Usage
- Alexa’s Shop : You can exchange this currency at Alexa’s Shop while inside the Azmakalis (Raid).
Entry Tickets

Energy needed fo Adventure.
How to Earn
- You can get energy from SmileGate compensation, special occasions, from Leifs and Boss Hunts.
- You regenerate 1 energy per 4 minutes.
Energy Usage
Used to enter stages in Adventure, Side Story, Spirit Altar, Hunt, Automaton Tower, and World Boss.
Arena Flag

These are the arena tokens used to participate in PvP.
How to Earn
- You regenerate 1 flag per hour.
- You can also buy 5 flags for 30 skystones or 100 friendship points once per day.
Energy Usage
- Used to attack enemy players in Arena.
Labyrinth Compass

A ticket used to enterr the Labyrinth.
How to Earn
Acquired naturally, 1 compass is given at daily reset.
Can also be purchased in the Guild shop using Brave Crests.
Labyrinth Compass Usage
- Labyrinth : An entry ticket that can explore the Labyrinth.
For normal labyrinth, you will use 1 key. For Raid Azmakalis, it will require 2 keys.
Abyss Guide β

A ticket used to enter the Labyrinth.
How to Earn
- Acquired naturally, 3 guides are given at daily reset.
Abyss Guide β Usage
- Abyss: Entry ticket to explore the Abyss.
Malicious Bug Charm

A ticket to enter Azmakalis on Hell Difficulty.
How to Earn
Acquired in the Labyrinth shop for 3 Labyrinth Compasses.
Malicious Bug Charm Usage
Used to enter Normal Mode (1 charm) and Nightmare Mode (2 charms) for Azmakalis of Cycle.
Milestone in Time

A bookmark that will allow you to go to a certain time and event among countless records.
How to Earn
- Acquired from the Normal shop.
Milestone in Time Usage
Used to gain access to side stories in the Book of Memories.
Enhancement Materials

Used as a Skill Enhancement for 4★ Heroes and above.
How to Earn
- Acquired through stage clears, reputations, side story events, etc.
Molagora Usage
- Used to enhance skills for 4★-5★ Heroes.
Skill Points

How to Earn
- Acquired from reaching Friendship 10 on a base 4-5★ unit (3 skill points).
Skill Points Usage
Used to skill enhance units. (If the unit is already +15, then you will receive 3 molagora instead of 3 skill points.)

Provide EXP to your units.
How to Earn
Acquired from the Forest of Souls.
Penguins Usage
Used to provide EXP to your units.
Spirit Blooms

Used as a Skill Enhancement for 4★ Heroes and above.
How to Earn
- Mainly acquired from Forest of Souls, transmitting Heroes, and imprinting Heroes.
Spirit Blooms Usage
- Used for unit promotion.

Used to awaken Heroes.
How to Earn
- Acquired from Spirit Altar.
Spirit Blooms Usage
Used to awaken units.
Also used to complete Skill Trees for Specialty Changed units.
Ego Fragment

Releases the potential of a hero that unlocks the Impint Concentration.
How to Earn
Acquired from the Transmit Stone shop: 1 Ego Fragment = 12 Silver Transmit Stone. (Twice a week)
Spirit Blooms Usage
- Imprint Concentration: Unlocks Imprint Concentration when used on a specific hero.

Used to increase a hero’s friendship.
How to Earn
- Acquired from Side Story exchange shop.
- Sometimes given out as bonus rewards in special side stories.
- Login rewards as well.
Spirit Blooms Usage
Used to increase a hero’s friendship. (30 friendship points given if the gift element matches the hero’s element, 10 if not matching)