Introduction - Epic Seven routine
In Epic Seven, a well-planned routine is key to success. It allows you to maximize the use of your resources, speed up your progression, and optimize your chances of success. This guide offers you a detailed plan to organize your daily, weekly, and monthly activities, enabling you to become a more efficient and competitive player.
Guide written by Dad E7
Daily routine
- Do guild wars and provide intel if available.
- Check your guild buffs are up, kindly ask if they aren’t.
- Do my 5 arena flags then do the 5 from friendship points. This is essential to getting arena points for charms.
- Do guild check in. Request mana claws aid and support any available ones. It’s more efficient for everyone to request claws, everyone gets catalysts this way. (see weekly).
- Make guild donations.
- Watch ads (optional).
- Claim the daily reputation – the key is getting the gold buff.
- Play with pet.
- Claim Purin’s Pack from shop for energy and gold.
- Do world boss if available. Remember to gear as many heroes for CP until you get max rewards each day/week.
- Claim energy from friendship, conquest shop and mail.
- Do side story if exchange is available – prioritise catalysts, BMs, charms and event gear/artifact. Otherwise Banshee 13/Wyvern 13 or if you need gold then UH-30. You’ll want to use a fast team to maximise the 1 hour gold buff. UH-27 can drop an Epic catalyst but is slower to clear.
- Do web event and claim all energy.
- Continue side story if not then auto Rift or UH-30 or Wyvern 13/Banshee 13 depending on your resources.
- Do expeditions with natural energy/mail that come in for the rest of the day.
- Continue to use all arena flags.
- Check Huche for charms in Lab. I go to Tirel Castle -> Area1.
- Check Vagrant Merchant – normal 3-4.
- Enhance any equipment that drop. Sometimes I craft as well.
- Collect daily reputation.
Weekly routine
- Claim arena rewards.
- Guild shop: catalyst chest (not rare/epic) , both gear conversion chests. raid token (only if you haven’t cleared all of lab). Everyone gets 3 catalysts a week!
- Transmit Stone shop: molas, ego fragment, gear conversion chest, artifact charms.
- Conquest Point shop: mola.
- Exchange for hellraid tokens. Use remaining to clear normal raid for ancient coins.
- Do Hall of Trials – you never know when you need another exclusive equipment or pull ARavi and need crimson seed. Even if your score is horrible, the currency will stack up eventually.
- Do Automation Tower if available. Always do the highest level so maximum rewards.
- Claim weekly reputation.
- Do the web event feedback for energy and make sure to claim all my rewards if the event is closing.
- Use your side story change ticket every 14 days. This gives you another great way to get more resources including BMs and catalysts.
- Check side story if any items left to exchange.
- Craft charms in Alchemist Steeple.
- Finish guild quests unless I’m out of Proof of Courage.
- Buy pet toy.
- Claim Penguins, Mola, Phantasma from Forest of Souls
- Claim Guild weekly mission rewards – sometimes you don’t get the last reward until Sunday night!
Monthly routine
This section also includes some items that don’t fit into daily and weekly.
- Clear nightmare raid. Trade for pen neck or ER ring.
- If there’s a hunt buff then
- Move all my unused equipment to Equipment Storage. This reduces time wasted clearing inventory.
- Claim reputation gold buff and auto Wyvern 13 or Banshee 13 for an hour.
- Continue to Rift with all remaining leifs. If I’m whaling I’ll buy out the leif packs.
- Enhance drops with drops when my inventory is full – remember to follow the rules.
- If there has been a free unequip buff then I’ll make sure my GW/Arena defense is still geared.
- Check Covenant Coin shop: buy any good gear. Gear > RBG heroes if you pulled dupes.
- Check Galaxy Coin shop: buy any good gear. Whale move here but honestly good right side gear is harder to get than ML5s.
- Buy 1st equipment pack for the extra gear conversion chests. This is actually one of the best non-special packs in the shop other than monthly, burning passion and leifs.
- Check Arena shop for Unknown Slate if it’s a new season.
- Buy Bottle of Knowledge from Powder shop if it’s been reset.
By following this guide, you will adopt a systematic approach to managing your routine in Epic Seven. You will be able to make the most out of each day, reach your goals faster, and compete with top players. Do not underestimate the power of a well-thought-out routine – it can make all the difference between success and stagnation in Epic Seven.